Renes Redekiste

Interviews & Polaroid-Photography


Sometimes you are stumbling over this one band. A fresh sound, just one EP, and you can still see them in a cozy place like the Astra Stube. Thats what happened to me in December. I’ve got an email from Closer Pleasures with the hint to check out this band called Cinemagraph. So I did. And I was exalted! I decided to do a small interview with them, which you can read below. To be honest, to see this group live has been one of the highlights in February. And even after their concert in Hamburg I played their EP in heavy rotation. Any questions left? No? Okay, like I told you, I had some:

I really like it if a band introduces itself. Who are you and what is your ambition with playing music?
We are Advan, Leon, Paul and Max. Our music is wrapped in riffs you can dance to and is also framed in sweet melodies. Hidden inside you can find lyrics that will tear your heart apart. We want to dance away and forget the daily trouble with you – sounds cheesy, but it comes straight from the heart!

You are on tour with your debut, An Adolescent Opera.
How does it feel to tour through Germany and present your firstborn to the audience in these different cities?
Has there been a highlight so far?
Of course it’s great to see that all the effort we put in making this EP is now paying off. People appreciate it and it’s overwhelming to see people coming to these shows just to see us play and to know they are not there just because we are some support for another band. Our highlight so far has been the start of the tour in Munich. We didn’t know what to expect, but it’s been a warm welcome.

Speaking of An Adolescent Opera. Where does that name come from? Your EP is far from being an opera, even an adolescent one.
Our ‘Adolescent Opera’ is to be found in our lyrics, not in our sound. We are writing about problems and relationships, which have the drama of an opera, but they have the youth of a nightly break-in into a lido.

Source: YouTube, Cinemagraph

My favourite track on your EP, Baby Where You At, didn’t end the way I expected. That’s great!
Who needs expectable Music anyways? But how did that ending arise?
We love C-parts and we felt something was missing in this one. At a show we play this song last and so it happens that we have a finale for our final song!

Something totally different, but I think this is interesting as well. As a band it’s not enough today to just play music. Depending on the artist it can be a lot of work. Does that annoy you or are you having fun with it?
Oh, for the bigger part we like it and it’s fun! It’s a way to show the personalities behind the music and our followers can see our faces even when we’re far way. But of course it’s stressful to feed all channels with good content and not forget anything important.

Source: YouTube, Cinemagraph

You recorded a Beatles cover. A typical answer if someone is asked to name an influence in music. Can you name an influence that will surprise fans of your music?
Like we said before you can find themes like teenage angst in our lyrics. We are borrowing stuff like this from emo bands like Modern Baseball, Turnover or Into it Over it. Apart from that our influences are, as expected, rather british.

Last, but not least.
The question of questions:
Star Wars or Star Trek?

We’ve got a bad feeling about this question.

I’ve talked to the guys about their at first sight cryptic answer. Think of Han Solo and you’ll figure it out!
Cinemagraph, thank you for the great night!

Cinemagraph an der Bar

Cinemagraph are having a good time at the bar!

Text & interview: René Biernath
Instant Film: Black & White, For Use With 600



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